“Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that comes upon when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin (the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels) or when the organism is not capable of using the insulin it produces in an effective way.””

– World Health Organization


Insufficient wound healing in diabetic people is a serious medical problem that has not been globally solved.

One out of 11 people in the world already suffers diabetes.

Between 10%-15% of diabetic patients develop a Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) at any moment of their lives.

Approximately between 5% and 24% of DFUs lead to an amputation in a period of 6 to 18 months.

Every 24 seconds a diabetic foot is amputated in the world.

From the amputees, nearly 50% can suffer a second amputation on the contra-lateral extremity within a period of 2-5 years.

This situation can become worse, since after a major amputation, less than 69% of the amputees survive within the following 5 years.