Primum non nocere: a latin expression attributed to Hippocrates which translates to: “First of all, do no harm”, and which entails for us the Ethical Obligations of: preventing harm or evil and promoting what does well.

Basic, applied and translational research, focused on the Man/Nature binomial for the biotechnological and biomedical development of products from 100% natural molecules, which help completing and accelerating Cellular Repair (wound healing) on diabetic and non-diabetic people and help preventing diabetic amputations.
Achieve with our products, helping overcome the impact of diabetes in diabetic amputations, so that diabetics can have the pride and satisfaction of always looking and feeling good with the entirety of their body.
To be a world leader in Translational Research and the scientific-technological development of products based on 100% natural molecules, for the prevention of diabetic amputations, the preservation of limbs and prolonging the life and quality of life of diabetics.
- Committed: We guarantee diabetic people our absolute disposition to study and know the causes of their insufficient Cellular Repair (Wound Healing) and to work intensely, without rest, until finding and providing the solutions they need regarding Cellular Repair (Wound Healing).
- Competitive: We are strongly dedicated to be the most innovative developers of Natural Medicines that express an optimal price-value ratio for Cellular Repair (Wound Healing) on diabetics.
- Ethical: We absolutely respect our Values, and we always act with strict adherence to legality and morality in the search for doing good.
- Excellence: For us, it is a constant search, it has no end, it is the path itself.
- Honesty: We promote the Truth as a fundamental tool to generate and establish the trust and credibility.
- Innovative: Disruptive Innovation is our north; we are constantly developing and creating new options.
- Leadership: We are number one in innovation and competitiveness in the matters of Cellular Repair (Wound Healing) from 100% natural molecules on diabetic people.
- Proactive: Always ready, ahead of the best initiatives and always providing new and better solutions.
- Environmentally and socially responsible: We are a company which is responsible and sympathetic with our environmental and social surroundings, in every economical space we serve.
- Green: Nature is our source of wisdom and our products are based on bioactive components with 100% natural origin.